IRIX Base Documentation 2001 May
SGI IRIX Base Documentation 2001 May.iso
Text File
397 lines
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13. _A_u_d_i_o_/_V_i_d_e_o__C_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n
The Digital Media Execution Environment provides a set of
software and hardware codecs for audio and video. The
programming interfaces and compression manager software for
software codecs and for memory-to-memory image
compression/decompression using hardware acceleration (eg,
the O2 image processing/compression engine) are included in
the Digital Media Library, _l_i_b_d_m_e_d_i_a._s_o. The programming
interfaces for the Cosmo Compress and Impact Compress
devices and for MPEG-1 video decompression are included in
the older Compression Library, _l_i_b_c_l._s_o.
The _d_m_e_d_i_a__e_o_e.{_s_w,_s_w_3_2}._l_i_b subsystems contain o32 and n32
versions of the software image and audio codecs. The codecs
themselves are installed as individual DSO's in the
directories /usr/{lib,lib32}/dmedia/imageconverters and
Runtime support for the realtime memory-to-memory motion
JPEG encoder/decoder available for the O2 workstation is
included in the _d_m_e_d_i_a__e_o_e._s_w._b_a_s_e subsystem.
Runtime support for the Cosmo Compress motion JPEG codec
option (which works in conjunction with the IndyVideo,
Indigo2 Video, and Galileo Video video I/O) is shipped as
part of the _c_o_s_m_o option product. Runtime support for the
Impact Compress motion JPEG codec option (which works in
conjunction with Impact Video) is shipped as part of the
_i_m_p_a_c_t_c_o_m_p option).
13.1 _A_u_d_i_o__C_o_d_e_c_s
The following software audio codecs are bundled with the
Digital Media Execution Environment in IRIX 6.3 and later:
+o ITU G.711 mu-law/A-law speech codec
+o ITU G.722 speech codec
+o ITU G.726 speech codec
+o ITU G.728 speech codec
+o GSM speech codec
+o DVI ADPCM codec
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+o MPEG-1 audio codec (see "MPEG-1 Audio/Video Codec"
section below)
+o Federal Standard 1016 CELP codec
+o DV Audio (DIF)
Tools like _S_o_u_n_d_P_l_a_y_e_r(_1) and _M_e_d_i_a_P_l_a_y_e_r(_1) may be used to
play back sound or movie files which contain compress audio
data encoded using the above standard compression schemes.
_M_e_d_i_a_C_o_n_v_e_r_t(_1) and _d_m_c_o_n_v_e_r_t(_1) may be used to convert
to/from these various encoded formats.
13.1.1 _A_w_a_r_e_r_,__I_n_c__M_u_l_t_i_R_a_t_e__A_u_d_i_o__C_o_d_e_c
The Digital Media Execution Environment includes built-in
support for a high-fidelity audio codec from Aware,Inc
called the MultiRate codec. This codec offers a lossless
mode which provides approximately 2:1 or 3:1 data
compression for CD-quality audio sample data.
To run applications that use Aware,Inc MultiRate codec
technology on a given Silicon Graphics system, you must
purchase a FlexLM license from Silicon Graphics.
An Aware codec license will allow you to play/record AIFF-C
files which contain MultiRate-encoded data by invoking
_s_f_p_l_a_y(_1) or _s_o_u_n_d_p_l_a_y_e_r(_1) for playback and _s_f_r_e_c_o_r_d(_1) for
recording. The license will enable conversion to/from
AIFF-C files which contain MultiRate data via _d_m_c_o_n_v_e_r_t(_1)
or _M_e_d_i_a_C_o_n_v_e_r_t(_1).
See the online man page _A_w_a_r_e(_5) for an overview of the
Aware MultiRate compression technology available to
developers and end users.
13.2 _I_m_a_g_e__C_o_d_e_c_s
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13.2.1 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s This section lists
changes/additions to the image codecs between the IRIX 6.2
and IRIX 6.3/6.4 releases.
+o IIIInnnnddddeeeeoooo eeeennnnccccooooddddiiiinnnngggg:::: Intel Indeo compression (a scheme
commonly used with AVI movie files and sometimes used
with QuickTime movies) is now supported. Tools like
_M_e_d_i_a_C_o_n_v_e_r_t(_1) and _d_m_c_o_n_v_e_r_t(_1) can be used to create
Indeo-encoded content.
+o NNNNoooo lllliiiicccceeeennnnsssseeee rrrreeeeqqqquuuuiiiirrrreeeedddd ffffoooorrrr CCCCiiiinnnneeeeppppaaaakkkkrrrr VVVViiiiddddeeeeoooo eeeennnnccccooooddddiiiinnnngggg::::
Cinepak (also called "QuickTime Compact Video")
compression is now bundled with the IRIS Digital Media
Execution Environment. _M_e_d_i_a_C_o_n_v_e_r_t(_1) and _d_m_c_o_n_v_e_r_t
will now create QuickTime Cinepak movies without a
+o IIIImmmmpppprrrroooovvvveeeedddd ssssooooffffttttwwwwaaaarrrreeee JJJJPPPPEEEEGGGG ccccooooddddeeeecccc:::: The performance of the
standard software JPEG codec included in the Digital
Media Execution Environment has been improved for IRIX
6.3 and 6.4.
+o RRRReeeeaaaallllttttiiiimmmmeeee JJJJPPPPEEEEGGGG ccccooooddddeeeecccc oooonnnn OOOO2222 ssssyyyysssstttteeeemmmmssss:::: The O2 image
processing/compression engine provides support for
motion JPEG encode and decode. Realtime encode/decode
at resolutions up to NTSC, PAL, CCIR601/525, and
CCIR601/625 are supported. See the section of "O2
Realtime JPEG Codec" below.
13.3 _R_e_a_l_t_i_m_e__J_P_E_G__C_o_d_e_c__f_o_r__O_2__W_o_r_k_s_t_a_t_i_o_n_s
The Silicon Graphics O2 workstation family includes
integrated support for realtime memory-to-memory JPEG encode
and decode at resolutions up to NTSC, PAL, CCIR 601/525, and
CCIR 601/625.
The compression/image processing engine is a shared system
resource, so realtime encode/decode performance is not
guaranteed when the engine is being shared between
applications or being used to encode/decode multiple JPEG
streams simultaneously by a single application.
13.3.1 _K_n_o_w_n__P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s__a_n_d__W_o_r_k_a_r_o_u_n_d_s
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+o RRRReeeessssttttrrrriiiiccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss oooonnnn iiiimmmmaaaaggggeeee ddddiiiimmmmeeeennnnssssiiiioooonnnnssss:::: _T_h_e _r_e_a_l_t_i_m_e _J_P_E_G
_c_o_d_e_c _p_r_o_v_i_d_e_s _s_u_p_p_o_r_t _f_o_r _e_n_c_o_d_i_n_g/_d_e_c_o_d_i_n_g _i_m_a_g_e_s
_w_h_i_c_h _h_a_v_e _h_e_i_g_h_t/_w_i_d_t_h _d_i_m_e_n_s_i_o_n_s _t_h_a_t _a_r_e _m_u_l_t_i_p_l_e_s
_o_f _8. _F_o_r _o_t_h_e_r _i_m_a_g_e _s_i_z_e_s, _t_h_e _s_y_s_t_e_m _f_a_l_l_s _b_a_c_k _t_o
_t_h_e _s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d _s_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _J_P_E_G _c_o_d_e_c.
_1_3._4 _C_o_s_m_o__C_o_m_p_r_e_s_s__J_P_E_G__C_o_d_e_c
The Cosmo Compress option for Indy and Indigo2 enables
realtime motion JPEG capture from video and playback to
video on those systems. (The product does not provide a
realtime memory-to-memory JPEG codec capability like the
capability offered by the built-in image
processing/compression engine in the O2 workstation.)
Driver and Compression Library software support for the
Cosmo Compress is provided separately in the _c_o_s_m_o product
which ships along with the Cosmo hardware. See the _c_o_s_m_o
release notes for information about bug fixes, new features,
and known problems specific to the Cosmo JPEG codec.
13.5 _M_P_E_G_-_1__A_u_d_i_o_/_V_i_d_e_o__C_o_d_e_c
13.5.1 _W_h_a_t__i_s__M_P_E_G_? MPEG is a set of standards for
digitally coding video and audio. The name is derived from
Moving Pictures Experts Group, which is the technical
committee of ISO/IEC (the International Organisation for
Standardisation and the International Electrotechnical
Commission) responsible for developing these specifications.
Several standards have been developed, targeted for
different applications. MPEG-1 encodes non-interlaced
material and is optimized for single-speed CD-ROM bitrates
(about 1.5 Mbps). MPEG-2 handles interlacing and is
intended for applications at higher bitrates (4 Mbps or
greater) like studio-quality TV. MPEG-4 is in its early
stages and is targeted for very low bitrates that may be
useful for videophone and other applications. (MPEG-3 was
intended for HDTV/ATV but was merged with MPEG-2).
Below we summarize the components of MPEG-1. This standard
specifies the syntax for three types of bitstreams : video,
audio, and systems.
+o VVVViiiiddddeeeeoooo : Compression utilizes transform coding and
motion estimation, which attempt to remove spatial and
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temporal redundancies in the original image sequence.
Image dimensions up to 4096 by 4096 pixels and various
frame rates up to 60 Hz are specified (field
information is not defined in the video bitstream),
with bitrates up to 105 Mbps allowed.
+o AAAAuuuuddddiiiioooo : Compression is based on subband coding, which
divides the input into different frequency bands and
allocates bits across frequencies based on perceptual
importance. Mono and stereo sources are supported at
sampling rates of 32, 44.1 and 48 KHz, and allowable
bitrates range from 32 to 448 Kbps.
Three layers of encoding are specified : Layers I, II,
and III. Generally speaking, the higher layers provide
better compression (lower bitrates for the same audio
quality) at the expense of greater computational
complexity. The higher layers are also supersets of
the lower layers in the sense that a Layer III decoder
must be able to decode an audio bitstream of any layer,
and a Layer II decoder must be able to decode
bitstreams from Layers I and II.
+o SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmmssss : The systems specification defines how the
compressed audio and compressed video bitstream are
multiplexed; no additional compression is performed.
This layer serves to packetize and interleave the
compressed audio and video data, along with timestamp
information and decoder buffering requirements. Up to
16 video and 32 audio streams may be multiplexed in a
single systems stream.
For more details on the MPEG standard, see the man page
13.5.2 _M_P_E_G__S_u_p_p_o_r_t__i_n__I_R_I_X__6_._3 The software MPEG codec
included in Digital Media Execution Environment 6.3
implements a subset of the MPEG-1 standard indicated below.
(Subsequent references to MPEG in these release notes assume
MPEG-1 unless otherwise specified.)
+o VVVViiiiddddeeeeoooo :
- encoded width min=16 max=4080 pixels
- encoded height min=16 max=4080 pixels
- bit rate min=100K max=4.5M bits per second
+o AAAAuuuuddddiiiioooo :
- layers I, II
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+o SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmmssss :
- video streams 1
- audio streams 1
- pack size min=500 max=10000 bytes
- bit rate min=150K max=5.0M bits per second
13.5.3 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s__s_i_n_c_e__I_R_I_X__6_._2
+o No license required for MPEG audio/video encoding. The
MPEG-1 audio/video encoding software included in
_d_m_e_d_i_a__e_o_e is now available on all systems. The
command-line tool _d_m_c_o_n_v_e_r_t(_1) and the graphical tool
_m_e_d_i_a_c_o_n_v_e_r_t(_1) may be used to create MPEG-1 audio,
video, or systems files from other input formats
(QuickTime, AVI, AIFF, WAVE, etc).
13.5.4 _B_u_g__F_i_x_e_s__i_n__I_R_I_X__6_._5_._4
+o BUG 673369 - Some Octane systems with the Impact
compression option card installed may panic on power up
if they have been off for more than 4 hours. The
driver does not allow sufficient time for the
controller to complete reset processing. The reattach
routine now waits for a longer period of time after the
bus reset before attempting any GIO bus transactions.
+o BUG 672908 - clDecompress hangs with single frame and
Impact Compression. This happens when hardware
interleaving is turned on. When interleaving is turned
on for every 2 fields of compressed data you get back
only 1 frame of uncompressed data. Low level routines
did not account for the halving in the number of
received frames. This has been fixed in this release.
+o BUG 650934 - dmplay fails on ip22 w/ impact
compression. One of the Bug fixes to deal with single
frame compression did not propogate to the ip22/ip28
device driver. Now dmplay works on IP22/IP28